It’s time to stop fighting with your pain (time sensitive)
Slow Down and Soothe is an 8-week process for high-achieving people with persistent pain who want to transform their relationship to pain.
The next group starts on May 18th and is limited to 6 spots.
I am accepting applications now through May 4th.
Is this for me?
Maybe you’ve been learning about how most persistent pain has a strong psychological component.
You read The Way Out and got so excited that you found the answer to your pain.
You listened to every episode of Tell Me About Your Pain and were inspired by the stories of recovery.
You tried to implement the same strategies in your life but…didn’t get the same results.
You’ve been trying to meditate more, but find it uncomfortable and frustrating
You’re doing somatic tracking, but your pain doesn’t go away
You’re journaling diligently about your feelings, but it feels pointless
You’re putting so much pressure on yourself to be less stressed that you end up feeling even more stressed
You’re worried that the longer your pain goes on, the harder it will be to recover from
If you’re trying to do this alone and it’s not working, that puts you in excellent company. So many people with persistent pain need additional guidance and support to keep moving their recovery forward.
You will make the most significant progress by learning strategies to help you relate to your pain in a fundamentally different way.
You won’t make progress by thinking about your pain in the same way that you always have.
Introducing the Slow Down and Soothe group coaching program
You’ll get:
Support from me and other group members
8 live small group sessions
A curriculum for changing your relationship to pain
Weekly exercises designed to help you slow down, reduce the pressure on yourself, and feel safer in your body
You’ll walk away with these 3 big things:
The ability to recognize when you’re caught in a fear cycle
The skills to respond effectively to fear and pain
A repeatable plan for letting go of control
Groups are held weekly for 8 weeks starting on Thursday May 18th
Groups meet virtually
Groups meet on Thursdays from 1:30pm to 2:45pm Eastern Time
The program costs $1600, payable prior to the start of the first group on May 18th
Thursday May 4th is the last day to apply. Get your application in ASAP if you think you’re interested.
Got a question for me?
Ask me here. I want to help you make the right decision.
We will have a brief phone consultation (free of charge) to make sure this is a good fit for you.
Read all about the program here and then apply by clicking below.